Amazon Brand Registry offers an opportunity for brands to build their brand awareness. Brands can achieve this by using the following brand-building benefits.
A+ Content Pages
Brands participating in the Amazon Brand Registry Program can showcase their brand story and product detail pages using product images and organic content. Here’s a look at how BIC transformed their BIC pens product detail page using rich imagery and text to boost their content:

Additional information is always great, but it is possible to provide too much information. It can be easy to overwhelm a consumer with excessive details, especially if it’s a new product to them. A well-performing tactic is the “less is more” approach. BIC followed the “less is more” approach with their A+ Content, providing the consumer with additional details about the product and BIC as a brand without turning the page into a “content dump.”
A+ Content is an excellent way to share product information and your brand’s story with current and potential consumers. It can also lead your consumers to Amazon Brand Registry’s other exclusive feature, your brand’s Amazon Brand Store.
Amazon Store
An Amazon Brand Store will add to your brand awareness and create brand credibility. A Brand Store provides your brand with a place to showcase your story, brand culture, and products on Amazon. Not to mention, it’s far more dangerous to your overall advertising strategy to go without an Amazon Brand Store. Amazon Stores provide a sense of comfort to consumers searching for a specific product by your brand. It will also open the consumer’s eyes to other product lines your brand has that they did not know about prior.
In the BIC example below, you will notice the navigation bar along the top of the brand store. This makes it easier for consumers to navigate their way through your products.

It’s also important to note that when your brand doesn’t have a brand store, and a shopper clicks on the “visit the [brand name] Store” link, it can take customers back to the top of the results page, possibly directing them to one of your competitor’s products. Without an Amazon Brand store, your brand is vulnerable to competitors as this creates the opportunity for them to direct your customers to their products or brand store through sponsored ads. Aside from the consumer experience and competition, a Brand Store offers insights that provide a robust understanding of your Stores sales and traffic sources.
Building your brand store is the ultimate tool for brands to get noticed while also creating credibility. A+ Content Pages spark the interest in the consumer to visit your Brand Store, and now it’s for the next step. Help new consumers discover your product portfolio and related products and drive them to your brand store with Sponsored Ads.
Sponsored Ads
A+ Content and an Amazon Brand Store are great for creating credibility, but they also give consumers a place to visit after they click on a brand’s Sponsored Ads. Sponsored Ads will boost your products in different but relevant categories. There are three campaign types of Sponsored Ads a brand can run, including:
- Sponsored Product
- Sponsored Brand
- Sponsored Display
Sponsored Product Ads
Sponsored Product Ads are the most common campaign type for Amazon brands. These ads are placed at the top of the search and throughout the rest of the search and product pages. When setting up these campaigns, you can also choose between keyword targeting and product targeting. In the example below, you can see the Sponsored Ad is at the top of the search:

Sponsored Brand
Sponsored Brand Ads allow your brand to create a brand defense strategy against competitors while building your brand awareness. Sponsored Brand ads appear on the page above the sponsored/organic search results. Here’s an example of a Sponsored Brand Ad:

Sponsored Display
Sponsored Brand Ads are great to help drive awareness about your brand and the products you offer, but have you thought about how you can grab the attention of your competitors’ audience? Amazon Brand Registry has, and they recommend, Sponsored Display Ads (SDA). Sponsored Display Ads, again, are only available to brands who are part of the Amazon Brand Registry program.
Sponsored Display Ads differ from other Sponsored Ads because they can reach your consumers both on-and-off Amazon. SDA campaigns offer brands several different ways to reach customers through product targeting to specific products or categories and audience targeting, allowing brands to choose which audience they want to see their ads. SDA campaigns also break down bid optimization by viewable impressions, page visits, and conversions.
On average, SDA campaigns using Amazon’s product targeting recommendations saw 2x higher impressions and 1.5x the number of clicks. (Source)
Sponsored Display campaigns can be critical to a new brand or product launching on Amazon. Add SDA campaigns to the list of reasons your brand needs to be part of the Amazon Brand Registry Program.

Building your brand is a necessary step for you to get noticed while creating credibility. Join us for the next installment of our Amazon Brand Registry series, and we’ll share how to protect your brand from inaccurate information and ways to recognize infringement.