Amazon Terms and Acronyms: Advertising and Marketing

Amazon Advertising and Marketing Guide

When it comes to Amazon advertising, using acronyms is essential when using the platform. Describing results, creating your strategy, and being able to analyze different metrics using this terminology will be a part of your everyday life when advertising on Amazon. Use this guide to understand the Amazon meaning for these terms, phrases, and acronyms. This list also breaks down the other free features, campaign types, and placements that Amazon offers to advertisers. The Amazon Ad Council is constantly changing and updating, so remember to save this guide as a point of reference for all things Amazon advertising! 

  • Amazon A+ Content: Graphic modules that appear in the product description section on a listing, allowing brands to share their unique story, highlight key features, expand on product specs, and display branding and photography (formerly called Enhanced Brand Content, or EBC). [I think this can be linked to a blog post too]

  • ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale): ACoS = Ad Spend / Ad Sales, which shows how much of every dollar earned with advertising was spent on an ad campaign; this metric helps to measure the overall success and efficiency of an Amazon Ad campaign.

  • Amazon Brand Registry: Amazon program is available to brands that have a registered trademark to help protect their listings and intellectual property. Amazon Brand Registry also gives sellers access to specific marketing and advertising capabilities. Learn more about Brand Registry here.

  • Amazon Live: Amazon feature that hosts interactive, shoppable live streams to showcase products and engage with shoppers.

  • Amazon Posts: A social feature that allows brands with brand registry to post “Instagram” like photos with linked products.

  • Amazon Buy Box: The box on the right side of the Amazon product detail page, where customers can add items for purchase to their cart. Amazon designates the Buy Box to the top seller of the product using a proprietary algorithm. Sellers must meet performance-based requirements to be eligible to compete for Buy Box placement, which can lead to increased sales. 

  • Clicks: The number of times shoppers clicked on a sponsored ad. 

  • CPC (Cost-Per-Click): The cost generated each time a visitor clicks on an Amazon Ad.

  • CTR (Click-Through-Rate): Clicks / Impressions; the ratio of shoppers who see an ad and click.

  • CVR (Conversion Rate): Orders / Clicks; the percentage of shoppers who click on a sponsored ad and make a purchase. 

  • Dayparting: A strategy where campaign budgets can be distributed throughout a specific time of day and/or day of the week. 

  • DSP (Amazon’s Demand-Side Platform): A program that gives advertisers the ability to programmatically buy display ad, audio, and video placements both on and off the Amazon platform across the internet. 

  • Impressions: The number of shoppers who have been served a sponsored ad.

  • NTB (New to Brand Orders): The number of purchases for promoted brand products made by customers for the first time in the last 12 months. 

  • Organic Placement: Where your product is showing within search results without campaigns. 

  • PDP (Product Detail Page): The page on which your product lives and is sold on Amazon. This page is unique to your product and includes a title, product variations, several marketing elements, and customer reviews, also commonly referred to as a product listing. PDPs need regular optimization for success. 

  • Portfolio: Organizational folders within the Amazon advertising counsel allow you to group campaigns based on likeness or strategy.

  • PPC (Pay-Per-Click): An advertising campaign in which advertisers pay a fee each time a visitor clicks on their ad. 

  • ROAS (Return on Ad Spend): ROAS = Sales / Ad Spend; a measure used to gauge the efficiency of an ad campaign. See tips for maximizing your ROAS on Amazon. 

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): The process of optimizing various elements of your Amazon product listing based on organic rank so that you can get your product in front of as many customers as possible—this involves keyword targeting and understanding Amazon’s search algorithm. 

  • SBA (Sponsored Brand Ad): Banner ads that are shown at the top of the search results page that direct shoppers to a brand store. 

  • SBV (Sponsored Brand Video): A 30-60 video ad that automatically plays within or above search results. 

  • SDA (Sponsored Display Ad): Creative ads where placement ranges from search results, product detail pages, Amazon products, and off Amazon websites that feature a wide variety of targeting types. 

  • Sponsored Placement: Where your product is showing within search results when campaigns are being run. 

  • SPA (Sponsored Product Ad): Ads placed within the search results page.

  • Storefront: Also referred to as an Amazon Store, a branded landing page that enables sellers to create a unique and cohesive shopping experience for their customers. The Storefront displays a brand’s total product offering tells the brand’s story, and serves as a landing page for Amazon advertisements. 

  • TACoS (Total Advertising Cost of Sale): Ad Spend / Total Sales (not just ad sales); the ratio of ad spend to total sales, expressed as a percentage. TACoS provide insight into how ad spend is driving total performance. 

  • VCMP: Spend / Impressions * 1000; Cost per 1,000 Impressions.

  • Viewable Impression: Estimated number of impressions that meet the Media Rating Council’s (MRC) standard for viewability. 

  • 14-Dayay Attribution Window: A defined period of time in which a publisher can claim that a click or impression led to a sale. 

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